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[spatial data] 공간인덱싱 msdn - 공간인덱싱 개요 https://goo.gl/1MTmEL 인덱싱 심화 https://goo.gl/BDXpsq 대한민국 위/경도 범위 https://goo.gl/Fx1rmr Q : Spatial index statistics missing https://goo.gl/Bo8Juk 인덱스 통계보기 declare c cursor static for select object_id, name, index_id from sys.indexes where type_desc = 'SPATIAL' open c declare @obj int declare @statsname varchar(max) declare @indid int declare @tname varchar(max) fetch next from c i..
[jsonp] Ajax jsonp 사용방법 간단예제 https://goo.gl/kwd7cv 원리 https://goo.gl/gdzhjV core javascript 로 jsonp 예제 https://goo.gl/8gohsw SOP - 동일출처원칙 https://goo.gl/twQQa9 크로스도메인 예제 https://goo.gl/Ynfc5A java 예제 https://goo.gl/zYEUcw https://goo.gl/Dn9UG
[우리카드][프로모션] 대림미술관 The Selby House 30% 할인 우리카드 이벤트 링크 : https://sccd.wooribank.com/ccd/Dream?withyou=CDCNT0048&__STEP=1&no=1919
[jquery mobile] ListView scroll load more https://goo.gl/2c9XYy jsfiddle http://jsfiddle.net/knuTW/2/ lazy load https://goo.gl/7yAsDT jsfillde http://jsfiddle.net/Palestinian/pAgbT/light/ http://embed.plnkr.co/J4IbE9/ https://codepen.io/Palestinian/pen/ApFDG lazy loader plugin https://goo.gl/WMxVZi git https://github.com/dcarrith/jquery.mobile.lazyloader Masonry plugin https://goo.gl/v652YU 6 type jquery-infinite-scrolling-demos with so..
[jquery mobile] swipe event swipe left / right 는 기본적으로 이벤트 핸들러를 제공하는데 up/down 은 api doc 에 없어서 구현 된 예제를 찾아봤습니다. jquery Mobile https://api.jquerymobile.com/swipe/ jsfiddle https://goo.gl/Nwvhu1 touch swipe - 페이지 하단에 example 들이 있습니다. http://labs.rampinteractive.co.uk/touchSwipe/demos/Page_scrolling.html